
How fun it was to do a running race again.   Surrounded by tons of great costumes and maybe sporting a costume from years past, it was good to get back out on the road.  

The run itself was relaxed for the most part.   I paced my friend Micah at an even 7:30 for the first 5.5 mile.   This was considerably slower than my other runs, but not my slowest yet.   Then at that point I couldn’t take the pace and took off.   I did a 6:01 mile down the hill in golden gate park and finished with a 7:16 pace overall.  

While it was my second slowest bay to breakers, the race was still a blast with good weather and good friends.   My speedy days may be behind me for now, but when you can still crank out a good mile here and there I have no complaints.