

They threatened rain... they threatened thunder... it was going to be a soaker. Until it wasn’t.

Both the hour before and the race was rain free except for 20 seconds of sprinkle as I waited for friends to finish. Being risk averse I brought rain coat and long sleeve shirt which was not a wise choice as I had to carry the coat around my waist and the shirt got hot.

Even with these plights, I still went faster than the year before by 19 seconds. At 49:56 I finally broke 50 minutes for the 12k. The first mile was blazing at sub 6, then I paid for it on the hayes street hill rolling up with a 7:11. Crept speed back until I was at 6:15s by the end. Next year I want a better warm up and more space from the race before... definitely wasn’t fresh... and cool.

Food wise was great. Pasta the night before and a cliff bar and gel. And not super hydrated either. Just right. So next time it is more rest and maybe a few faster intervals to warm up for it. And a more crazy costume!


When you go into a B race you can really make it a B race. From the start using the new triathlete apple watch app and starting in T1 instead of the swim, to forgetting that my derauiler is set for the trainer and not for the actual road bike. Then a slow-ish transition and not understanding the course (there was only one major turn bouy and I had raced the bike course from the year before on the trainer). But I made up time on lap 2 of the bike and then dropped a solid 41 min 10k, only 30s off my PR for the distance leading to the second fastest Olympic tri thus far. I mean it was a mile shorter on the bike and couldn’t be flatter for a run, but still... killed it. Only room to race faster next year.

This was my first tri with my nutrition coach too. That part of race day went perfectly. Salt tab before race and at T2. Cliff bar in the morning and gel at T2. Nuun in water bottle. And plenty of carb loading three days before... except those carbs weren’t the best. From subway the night before because that was all that was open and pizza the night before that. The food wasn’t high quality but it met the needs. No gastro-intestinal pain and no cramping! Now to just get some more sleep for the next one and fix some of the dumb technical mistakes.


Who knew I could get within 45 seconds within my half marathon PR pushing a stroller... but I did. The start was crowded as usual but turned into a slightly damp race finish with a little bit of rain on mile 11. The views were amazing as always and once cleared the field was moving.

Mile 8 caused a little bit of hip and metatarsle pain which took a few weeks to recover and we’ll have to figure out what caused it for next year. As always - more stretching and more strength exercises needed, which hopefully we will get to this year. The finish was strong with just enough gas to push over the line. Looking forward to next year when I race with a double-wide! Definitely going to start slowing down as the stroller gets heavier.


Another year in the books and what a fun one it was. From three ridiculous mountain top-reaching races to another great PR at santa cruz Tri, 2018 goes down as one of the best years yet. I upped my swimming to reach 250k yards this year. Running was well over 850 miles and balanced that with 1200 miles of biking. That and I only took 100 off days... which with some injury in the spring is pretty awesome.


Final race of the year, family went down to beautiful San Diego CA to do another Trail Ragnar. Having done Tahoe, I thought I was a pro and how hard could it be. Turns out this race was way colder and even steeper!

First run was the brutal 8 mile course up and over the pass, but the view midway through out to the ocean from the hills made it all worth it. And the KT tape on my healing feet from bad work shoes made it bearable. After cresting the peak, it was a smooth 3 miles down hill with a few areas so steep I had to walk.

The next leg was at 2am after a few snafus on the team (one had to do the entire long loop without a headlight). Running at night is never fast, but it was still beautiful in the crisp freezing weather.